Saturday, February 18, 2012

My Bucket List

  1. Take a romantic luxury cruise to the Carribean
  2. Go sailing
  3. Organize all my photos and label them for my kids to have one day
  4. Learn to water ski 
  5. Become an interior decorator/staging 
  6. Help less fortunate with their housing -- free decorating and staging
  7. Spend  time with my aunt Bonnie, Retabess and Patsy
  8. Trace my genealogy family tree
  9. A day at the Spa
  10. Visit the graves of my mother, father and brothers
  11. Pay off all debts being completely debt-free
  12. Lead a minimum of 200 people to Jesus
  13. Spend an entire day in my pyjamas working on my computer
  14. Take watercolor lessons
  15. Lose 100 lbs and experience the benefit of a healthy body 
  16. Spend weekends with my grandchildren - I want to be the best loved and remembered grandmother ever!!!  Get close and develop a relationship specifically with my granddaughter Chloe.
  17. See the top things to do and see in New York!
  18. The Statue of Liberty  and Ellis Island!  The Statue of Liberty's face was said to be modeled after the sculptor's mother, Charlotte. This colossal statuary follows design going back to ancient Greek and Roman civilizations.
  19. Empire State Building
  20. Grand Central Station
  21. Ice skate at Christmas time in Rockefeller Centre
  22. View the harbor on the Staten Island Ferry
  23. American Museum of Natural History and Metropolitan Museum of Art
  24. Walk through Central Park
  25. Metropolitan Museum of Art
  26. Write my auto-biography just for the pleasure of doing it and leaving history to my kids
  27. Write and publish a children's book
  28. Create an original oilpaint
  29. Create a "life scrapbook" for both of my children with photos and stories to leave for them
  30. Make a difference in someone's life
  31. Spend a day at the (ocean) beach, walking barefoot along the beach at the ocean s
  32. Travel across the United States and Canada in a motor home - tour through
  33. Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Ontario
  34. Explore the Australian Outback and hike Ayres Rock...Kangaroos & Dingos
  35. Ayers Rock Resort (Outback Pioneer Hotel and Lodge)
  36. See New Zealand where the Lord of the Rings was filmed
  37. Ride a gondola in Venice, Italy
  38. Visit an authentic castle in Scotland
  39. Have a drink in an Irish pub in Ireland
  40. Take a dogsled cross country in Alaska
  41. Take a romantic luxury cruise to the Carribean and Jamaica
  42. Take a helicopter ride over the Grand Canyon and a raft ride through the Grand Canyon